Leduc LINX Connect Centre opened its doors on April 1, 2008.
This was made possible by a group of motivated persons who saw a continued need for supports for individuals with developmental disabilities in the Leduc Area.
A parent-driven Board of Directors was formed to carry on the task of bringing together what is now known as Leduc LINX Connect Centre (Learning, Inclusion, Networking, X-cellence), a name chosen by the individuals we supported in 2008.

Through connections to the community, LINX strives to enhance the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities through education, employment, residential, and outreach services.

Adults and children with developmental disabilities have opportunities to experience life to their fullest potential. They experience inclusion in taking an active and valued role in society and the opportunity to reside in a community of their choosing.

We Value
The worth and dignity of human beings
The full inclusion of all persons in the wider communities
All persons contributing as citizens to their communities
Working as a professional learning organization